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Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts

How Much Harmful Smoking & Tobacco For Us

Health Effects of Tobacco
How important is smoking to the health of Canadians?
Smoking remains one of the leading causes of preventable illness, disability and premature death in Canada.
Saskatchewan has one of the highest cigarette smoking prevalence rates in Canada. Consistent with national trends, smoking prevalence is highest among 20-24 year olds. Prevalence of smoking among 15-19 year olds are higher in Saskatchewan than the national average. 
How lethal is smoking to smokers?
Unless smokers quit, up to half of all smokers will die from their smoking, most of them before their 70th birthday and only after years of suffering a reduced quality of life.
Why does smoking kill? 

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Many are known to be harmful substances, including tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.
More than 50 of these chemicals cause cancer. 

What keeps smokers smoking (and chewers chewing)?
Many smokers want to quit, but find it very difficult. Most former smokers made at least one unsuccessful quit attempt before finally succeeding and many had to try repeatedly
Nicotine is the drug in tobacco that makes smoking a powerful addiction. Experts rank nicotine ahead of alcohol, cocaine and heroin with regard to the severity of dependence resulting from its use. 

Some users of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff) also find it very hard to quit.
Who is at risk from tobacco use?
While the health risks are highest among heavy smokers and long-term smokers, no user of tobacco escapes risk, including users of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff). 

Young people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco are at immediate risk of a range of health problems, including nicotine addiction, increased cough, phlegm, and wheezing, reduced lung function and a worsening of problems from asthma.
Those who start to smoke at an early age are more likely to develop severe levels of nicotine addiction than those who start later, and they are at higher risk of health consequences in adult life. 

As well, non-smokers, both children and adults, can be harmed by second hand tobacco smoke generated by other people's smoking.
There is strong evidence that smoking is related to many diseases and conditions. Many organs and body systems are adversely affected by tobacco smoke. Fortunately, most of this starts to reverse after a smoker quits smoking.  

All smokers are at extra risk for:
Coronary heart disease (e.g., heart attacks) 
Peripheral vascular disease (circulatory problems)
Aortic aneurysm
High cholesterol (LDL)
Lung cancer
Cancer of the mouth, throat and voice box
Cancer of the pancreas
Cancer of the kidney, and urinary bladder
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD
Chronic bronchitis
Influenza (the "flu")
The common cold
Peptic ulcers
Chronic bowel disease (Crohn's disease)
Tooth decay (cavities)
Gum disease
Sleep problems (falling asleep inappropriately and/or frequent waking)
Thyroid disease (Grave's Disease) 

Smoking is known to have an effect on babies before they are born. 

Smoking has a direct effect on the growth of the fetus. The more the mother smokes during pregnancy, the lower the weight of the newborn infant. Smoking mothers give birth to infants who can weigh about 150 grams less than a term than non-smokers. Such babies, called "low birth weight" babies, are more likely to suffer adverse outcomes, including stillbirth, the need for special treatment in neonatal intensive care units and death in infancy. 

During pregnancy, smokers have a greater risk of miscarriages. During the birth they are more likely to have complications. The chances of a baby's dying at birth or shortly thereafter are increased if the mother has smoked during pregnancy.
Nursing mothers can pass along harmful chemicals from cigarettes to their babies in breast milk. 

Effects on Teeth and Gums
Tobacco use is an important factor in oral health, apart from its role in causing oral cancer. Smoking has also been linked to periodontal disease in younger people. 

Other Effects
Several recent reports provide strong evidence of an association between smoking and osteoporosis (decreased bone density), which, in turn, predisposes a person to bone fractures. Smoking is independently associated with decreased bone density of the lumbar spine and hip, in both younger and older persons. 

Smoking has been linked to sleep disturbance. Smoking is associated with difficulty in falling asleep and with symptoms suggestive of sleep fragmentation in both men and women.
Evidence of a link between cataracts and smoking continues to grow. An association may also exist between smoking and a type of thyroid disease (Graves' disease). 

Smoking may be a detriment to physical fitness, even among relatively fit, young individuals. Smoking reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen and increases the heart rate and basal metabolic rate, thus counteracting the benefits of physical activity, including cardiovascular fitness. 
Smoking decreases blood flow in the small vessels of the skin, perhaps damaging skin components, and leading to skin wrinkling and an appearance of premature aging in both men and women. 

Side effects of chewing tobacco are stained teeth, bad breath, sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal and other dental problems. Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the tobacco during processing to improve the taste. The habit can also affect a person's ability to taste and smell. After prolonged use there is a risk of developing oral cancer, which may become apparent through a sore that does not heal, a white patch, prolonged sore throat, difficulty chewing, or a feeling there is a lump in the throat. A person should stop chewing tobacco to reduce the side effects and health risks associated with it. Chewing or smokeless tobacco contains nicotine a very addictive substance.

The nicotine gets into the bloodstream through absorption in the mouth and is slower acting than getting nicotine from smoking a cigarette. The most serious health risk associated with the smokeless habit is cancer. 

The habit of snuff or chewing tobacco can be considered by many as a very unclean habit. The substance is held in the mouth and then spit out. Most chewers have a spit can that they carry around and spit into periodically. Some people may choose to engage in this habit because they believe it is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes. However, this is not necessarily true. The substance is still absorbed into the bloodstream and the side effects of chewing tobacco can be detrimental to health and can even lead to developing a serious illness such as cancer. 

For those who want to quit, there is hope found in the Word of God. "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it" (Numbers 13:30).
Other serious health problems associated with the smokeless habit include an increased heart rate and blood pressure. People who are engaged in this habit should stop chewing tobacco before they have a heart attack or suffer from a stroke.

 Heart attack and stroke can happen because the arteries constrict; there is an increased risk of blood clots; both of these effects are caused by the nicotine. Oral or mouth cancer are not the only types of cancer associated with a smokeless habit; some of the cancer-causing chemicals can get into other vital organs such as the stomach, esophagus, bowels, and bladder. 

High doses of nicotine can cause respiratory and digestive distress. Quitting may be very difficult because of the nicotine addiction and may take some time, but there is help out there for anyone who is serious about quitting. There are some good websites on the Internet that provide some valuable information on quitting.

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Why Water is Beneficail & Essential For Us

The human body is a water machine‚ designed primarily to run on water and minerals. Every life giving and healing process that happens inside our body... Happens with water. In just the last decade medical science has begun to focus more on the tremendous healing ability our body has and how much that ability depends on water. Our body instinctively knows how and strives to sustain youthful longevity‚ and in its every effort... Water is the key. The human body is made up of over 70% water. Our blood is more than 80%‚ our brain... over 75%‚ and the human liver is an amazing 96% water!
Drinking Water

Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average person... A 15% drop in body fluids causing death! Water is what our liver uses to metabolize fat into useable energy. It is estimated that over 80% of our population suffers energy loss due to minor dehydration.
Water is a fundamental part of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on it. Human survival is dependent on water -- water has been ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as essential for life. The average adult body is 55 to 75% water. 2/3 of your body weight is water (40 to 50 quarts). A human embryo is more than 80% water. A newborn baby is 74% water. Every day your body must replace 2 1/2 quarts of water. The water you drink literally becomes you! Since such a large percentage of our bodies is water, water must obviously figure heavily in how our bodies function. We need lots of fresh water to stay healthy.
Drink Water in Morning

Water is the medium for various enzymatic & chemical reactions in the body. It moves nutrients, hormones, antibodies, & oxygen through the blood stream & lymphatic system. The proteins & enzymes of the body function more efficiently in solutions of lower viscosity. Water is the solvent of the body & it regulates all functions, including the activity of everything it dissolves & circulates.

Water helps regulate our body temperature through perspiration, which dissipates excess heat & cools our bodies. We even need water to breathe! As we take in oxygen & excrete CO2, our lungs must be moistened by water. We have lost about 1 to 2 pints of water each day just exhaling.

Asthma is frequently relieved when water intake is increased. Histamine plays a key role in regulating the way the body uses & distributes water & helps control the body' s defense mechanisms. In asthmatics, histamine level increases with dehydration. Our defense for the body is to close down the airways.
Healthy water

The kidneys remove wastes such as uric acid, urea & lactic acid, all of which must be dissolved in water. When there isn't sufficient water, those wastes are not effectively removed, which may result in damage to the kidneys.

Water lubricates our joints. The cartilage tissues found at the ends of long bones & between the vertebrae of the spine hold a lot of water, which serves as a lubricant during the movement of the joint. When the cartilage is will hydrate, the two opposing surfaces glide freely, & friction damage is minimal. If the cartilage is dehydrated, the rate of "abrasive" damage is increased, resulting in joint deterioration & increased pain.

The actively growing blood cells in the bone marrow take priority over the cartilage for the available water that goes through the bone structure.
Rheumatoid joint pain frequently decreases with increased water intake & flexing exercises to bring more circulation to the joints.
75% of the upper body weight is supported by the water volume that is stored in the spinal disc core. 25% is supported by the fibrous materials around the disc. The spinal joints are dependent on different hydraulic properties of water, which is stored in the disc core. Back pain is frequently alleviated with hydration.

Brain tissue is 85% water. Although the brain is only 1/50th of the body weight, it uses 1/20th of the blood supply. With dehydration, the level of energy generation in the brain is decreased. Depression & chronic fatigue syndrome are frequently results of dehydration.
Migraine headaches may be an indicator of critical body temperature regulation at times of "heat stress." Dehydration plays a major role in bringing on migraines. Dehydration causes stress & stress causes further dehydration.

Water losses
Adults lose nearly 6 pints (12 cups) of water every day. We lose 1/2 cup to 1 cup a day from the soles of our feet. Another 2 to 4 cups is lost from breathing. Perspiration accounts for another 2 cups. Another 3 pints (6 cups) are lost in urine.

When the body is dehydrated, a form of rationing & distribution goes into play to ration the available water. Since the body has no reservation system, it operates a priority distribution system for the amount that has been made available by intake.
The body's signals of dehydration are frequently joint pain, stomach pain & ulcers, back pain, low energy, mental confusion & disorientation. Numerous disease symptoms respond to increased water intake.
Clean Warer

If you're not drinking sufficient water, your body starts retaining water to compensate for this shortage. To eliminate fluid retention, drink more water, not less. If you don't drink enough water to maintain your body's fluid balance, you can impair every aspect of your body's physiological function.

The "dry mouth" signal is the last outward sign of extreme dehydration. As our bodies try to adjust to being deprived of water, our thirst mechanism becomes disabled. The only time we receive the "dry mouth" signal is as the last outward sign of extreme dehydration. In addition, the thirst sensation gradually decreases with age. The result is increasing dehydration. As we start to give our bodies more water, the thirst mechanism begins to work again, but doesn't become fully apparent until our bodies are fully hydrated. When we are getting sufficient water, we're often thirsty.

Water vs. Other beverages
There is a difference between drinking pure water & beverages that contain water. Fruit juice, soft drinks, coffee, etc., may contain substances that are not healthy, & actually contradict some of the positive effects of the added water. Caffeinated beverages stimulate the adrenal glands and act as diuretics, robbing your body of necessary water. Soft drinks contain phosphorus, which can lead to depletion of bone calcium. Soda contains sodium. Fruit juices contain a lot of sugar & stimulate the pancreas. 

These drinks may tax the body more than they cleanse it. A 12 ounce can of regular soda contains the equivalent of 9 teaspoons of sugar and loads of empty calories.
Other beverages also contain dehydrating agents. They may actually reduce the water reserves in the body! Drinking other beverages to the exclusion of water have also caused you to lose your taste for water. This is particularly true with children as they become dependent on Sodas & juices.

How much is enough?
A non active person needs a half ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. That is ten 8 ounce glasses a day if your weight is 160 pounds. For every 25 pounds you exceed your ideal weight, increase it by one 8 ounce glass.

An active, athletic person needs 2/3 ounce per pound, which is 13-14 8 ounce glasses a day if you're 160 pounds. The more you exercise the more water you need. Spread out your water intake throughout the day. Do not drink more than 4 glasses within any given hour. After a few weeks your bladder calms down & you will urinate less frequently, but in larger amounts.
Why is it good for you?

According to Ayurveda water stored in a copper vessel has the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body, (vata, kapha and pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water. The water stored in a copper vessel is known as ‘Tamara jail’ and is supposed to be consumed after storing the water in a copper vessel for at least eight hours.

When water is stored in a copper vessel the copper gently leeches into the water and lends it all its positive properties. The best part about this water is that it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long periods of time.

Here are the health benefits:
Can kill bacteria: Copper is known to be hydrodynamic in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria), and can destroy bacteria very effectively. It is especially effective
Against E. coli and S. aureus – two bacteria that are commonly found in our environment and are known to cause severe illnesses in the human body. Known to help prevent common water borne diseases like diarrhea, dysentery and jaundice, copper has been touted as the cheapest solution to clean water in countries that do not have a good sanitation system.
Pure & Clean Water

So, if you fear that your water may be contaminated, store it in a copper vessel before you drink it and rest assured you will be drinking healthy and clean water. Read more about diarrhea.

Helps the digestive system perform better: One of the most common problems encountered in these days is indigestion. Acidity, gas or simply the inability to digest certain foods are common and here is where copper comes to your rescue.

Copper has properties that stimulates peristalsis (the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the stomach that helps food get digested and move along the digestive tract), kills harmful bacteria and reduces inflammation within the stomach– making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections. Apart from that copper also helps cleanse and detox your stomach, regulates the working of your liver and kidneys, aids in the proper elimination of waste and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food.

According to Ayurveda, if you want to help detox your stomach, drink a large glass of water that has been stored in a copper vessel, early in the morning on an empty stomach. Read more about indigestion. 
Helps heal wounds faster: Known for its immense anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, it is no wonder that copper is a great way to heal wounds quickly. Apart from that, copper is also known to strengthen your immune system and aid in the production of new cells. But its healing properties
Don’t cease with helping the body externally; copper is also known to help wounds within the body, especially the stomach. All this put together makes copper a very effective healing agent.

Avoid stomach ulcers
Usually heartburn or acid reflux is caused by too much of acid build up in the stomach and ulcers in the stomach are caused when acid burns the lining of stomach because the stomach lacks enough mucus protecting it from the acidity of the digestive process. Reason of insufficient mucus can be inadequate hydration, which leads to stomach ulcers and other related problems.

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